vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_title:SR|These pictures are of a Republic Lagun 3-axis knee type milling machine that I retrofitted in 1995 for Mina Products in Santa Ana, CA vti_timelastmodified:TR|10 Sep 1999 09:55:03 -0700 vti_author:SR|griffte vti_modifiedby:SR|griffte vti_timecreated:TR|10 Sep 1999 19:17:04 -0000 vti_backlinkinfo:VX| vti_extenderversion:SR| vti_syncwith_bill-griffin\:80/june29th:TR|10 Sep 1999 09:55:03 -0700 vti_filesize:IR|1121 vti_metatags:VR|HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type text/html;\\ charset=windows-1252 Generator Microsoft\\ Word\\ 97 Template C:\\\\PROGRAM\\ FILES\\\\MICROSOFT\\ OFFICE\\\\OFFICE\\\\html.dot vti_generator:SR|Microsoft Word 97 vti_cacheddtm:TX|10 Sep 1999 19:17:04 -0000 vti_cachedlinkinfo:VX| vti_cachedsvcrellinks:VX| vti_cachedtitle:SR|These pictures are of a Republic Lagun 3-axis knee type milling machine that I retrofitted in 1995 for Mina Products in Santa Ana, CA vti_cachedbodystyle:SR| vti_cachedhasbots:BR|false vti_cachedhastheme:BR|false vti_cachedhasborder:BR|false