Our aging 14 year old Atrump /
Centroid M400AC machining center has been a reliable workhorse in our
shop. While it’s had some minor problems here and there, all was easily
and inexpensively repaired up till now when it developed a servo
communication error.
We replaced the servo drive
with a known good drive from Centroid and this did not solve the issue so
I doubt the problem was with the servo 4 amp.
My Company decided against
buying a new machine and instead decided to spend more than 50% of the
cost of the original machine to retrofit a new control. Not the best
decision financially but its
not my money.
That said, I hired the right
guy to do the job. William Atkinson from Atkinson Technologies
(CNCMATTERS) handled the job. He is no stranger to the Centroid control
and works with Marc Leonard of CNC Services North West to design and
install state of the art retrofits on just about any machine.
The quality of their work will
be evident in the following photos:


09/14/16 11:52:01 AM
The new Centroid M400 control panel sports a new style
pendant, custom printed button overlays for my machine, and an industrial
PC running windows 10.



09/21/16 9:44:21 AM
machine ready to make chips!

03/16/16 5:21:36 PM
Here is a shot of the original control console, it’s
about 4x as thick as the new control console!



07/21/16 12:03:21 PM
This was the start of the
electrical panel for the control cabinet. We re used the original Spindle
VFD as it was upgraded a few years ago as well as the power transformer and
Spider Cool programmable coolant unit. Everything else was replaced with
new components. All wiring is now run in appropriate flexible conduits and
some cables were rerouted to prevent damage compared to the original

09/14/16 11:50:39 AM
Here is the nearly finished installation of the new
electrical panel. Great attention to detail in the execution of the
retrofit is evident everywhere you look. Every wire is labeled at both ends
with its connection point that corresponds with the E sized schematic
We went with Yaskawa 1.5KW 200v servo motors and drives.
This increased eth performance significantly over the original ~1KW motors
from Centroid. To take advantage of the added performance, we are now
running the 8000 rpm spindle at 8k instead of the 6K it was set to run
since new. I can now cut a bit faster and have increased surface finishes
compared to previous performance.



09/14/16 11:51:31 AM

07/21/16 12:04:04 PM



09/14/16 11:51:23 AM

09/21/16 9:44:58 AM
The old electrical panel was replaced with one
significantly larger to hold the new larger components and allow for proper
air flow and clean wiring.



03/16/16 3:42:54 PM
Old linux
based control
door interlock image002

09/26/14 1:04:27 PM



09/09/11 8:37:35 AM
Here is a shot of the original
electrical cabinet. There wasn’t much forethought in component placement,
wire routing, serviceability, etc. with this control.

Canon PowerShot S500
02/20/06 12:23:02 AM



07/21/16 11:59:39 AM
When I visited Wills shop, this
control panel was shipping out to a customer with a very large Vertical
Turning Lathe. You can see the pride and craftsmanship Will puts into his
retrofits. Very impressive!
I have run about 8 jobs with the
machine since completion about a week ago and so far I am very happy with
the increased performance, the craftsmanship that went into the retrofit and
while the retrofit job was not inexpensive, I feel that I received a very
good value for the money spent and I will have a very reliable, easily
service retrofit that will probably outlive the hardware its attached to!
Thanks Will, Mark, and Ian for
the great job!