
SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/20/2015
12:29:52 PM
QPD2008 Motorized Speaker

2/26/2015 11:07:58 PM
These speakers stay flush to
the ceiling when not in use or are being used for
background music.
When used for home theater,
they receive a signal which tells them to deploy and drop
down into a more appropriate listening position where
they are aimed at the listening position.


2/27/2015 9:35:18 PM
This is a SolidWorks model of a
printed circuit board that I designed which provides the
required 12vdc constant power to the speakers and can
receive either a 12v old or 120 volt signal from a
surround sound amplifier. When this signal is received the
board send a 12vdc control signal to each speaker telling
ti to deploy. When this control signal is not present the
board removes the control voltage from each speaker
causing it to retract.

SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015
9:12:28 PM
This is an assembled but not
soldered prototype of the board that I cnc machined. I
didn't have any single sided 1/16” board so I used a
piece of 0.070” double sided then machined off the
top layer of copper to make the prototype for testing.


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 5:30:07 PM
Here is
a shot of machining (isolating) the traces on the mill. I
am using a 3/32” 2 flute drill mill for the
engraving. It is sufficient for this rudimentary PCB but
wouldn't work very well if the traces were significantly
it this way saves a bunch of hand wiring if I were to
prototype it in the conventional manner. Plus, if I ever
need to build more, it will really pay off having a PCB,
even if its a DIY version.

2/27/2015 5:31:21 PM
I was too lazy and in a hurry
to setup the different drills so I just used a 1/32”
carbide end mill to interpolate all of the holes. This
increased the machining time slightly but saved time
finding and setting up different drill bits.
The whole machining operation
took less than 20 minutes.


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 5:31:24 PM

SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015
5:31:28 PM


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 9:12:35 PM
The rest of the pictures just
show the board from too many angles. I will update this
page after I design and 3d print the enclosure.

SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015
9:12:49 PM


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 9:13:09 PM

SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015
9:13:27 PM


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 9:13:38 PM

SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015
9:13:42 PM


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 9:13:51 PM

SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015
9:14:03 PM


SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 2/27/2015 9:14:18 PM

2/26/2015 11:08:41 PM
