
Marlene found this laundry
closet photo online and this was the inspiration for the design and
layout of our laundry closet.

We had a cabinet fabricated for our master path linen closet
recently and they mad the doors to match all of our interior doors with
handles to match our cabinetry. We requested the laundry cabinets
to be built the same way.



This is the finished laundry closet.
We had originally planned on installing some sort of door to cover up
this area but it looks so nice we decided that it wodul
be a sshame to hide

My original design had the lower cabinet nearly flush
with the front of the laundry machines and a larger counter surface. The
cabinet shop made a mistake when they created their own drawing and
unfortunately I signed off on their interpretation of my drawing so
therefore its “My Fault” that it wasn’t built to my specifications even
though I provided them with detailed dimensioned drawings.
Other than that it turned out quite nicely. We will
eventually install a granite or quartz countertop. Depending on the size /
cost of the material available at that time I may decide to correct the
cabinet depth so it’s flush like in my original design model.



Inside of the cabinets showing
adjustable shelves.

Adjustable shelf and hang rod which is handy
when folding and hanging fresh laundry!



The original 3d design model
created in cad.

09/07/16 4:34:49 PM



09/07/16 4:34:49 PM

Here are the drip pans I designed and had fabricated.
The shop I used wasn’t keen on creating the radius on the front edge so I
did this by hand using a cutoff wheel and a template I generated by
tracing the outline of the washer onto cardboard in the appliance store’s
The material is 14 gauge stainless. Probably overkill
but it turned out very nice, and they will outlast the washer and dryer
and probably the house!



There’s at least one happy
camper in this photo!

In this shot you can see that I made the pans deep
enough to catch any water that might get sprayed on the wall during a
leak event.
I caulked between the wall and the pan as well as
between the pans.
I used braided stainless hoses for the washer and
dryer water connections so this should reduce the risk of a burst hose in
the future.



05/21/16 4:07:39 PM

you can see the washer pan in position with the drain installed. The
drains from both pans are connected together and are piped under the
house and through the foundation wall to drain outdoors if there is ever
a leak.



Both pans were cut from the
same template but I swear that the radius on the front of the dryer is
slightly different than the radius on the washer. With my OCD, this
bothers me every time I see it!

The difference in the radius is more noticeable in
this view but I’m sure I’m the only one who notices it!



In this shot you can see the
caulking between the 2 pans.

The business end of the drain. The only PVC (or any
material) fitting I could find that would screw onto the drain was from
the electrical section. Luckily, the electrical PVC conduit and regular
PVC pipe are the same size and are compatible with one another.



04/24/16 2:23:16 PM

Was difficult to cut holes through the beautiful
hardwood floors but this was the most elegant solution for the drainage.
A friend from work handled the plumbing under the
house. We used some really strong magnets to locate the best location for
the drain holes in the pan before they were fabricated. This was
essential due to the fact that there were several floor joists in this
area that had multiple floor joists sistered alongside.



04/23/16 9:08:51 AM

My drawings of the custom built cabinetry.
Notice the lower cabinet depth is almost flush with
the laundry machines! I think this looks much cleaner than the standard
24 inch cabinet depth.
….No, this clearly doesn’t bother me! L



The cabinet builder was able
to build the upper cabinets 44 inches tall instead of 30 tall which
provided us with a considerable amount of additional storage inside the

This drawing clearly shows the
lower cabinet depth at 30 inches, not the standard 24 inches the cabinet
shop built the cabinet.
